HHHi HHHashers
See my calendar at www.brownbearsw.com/freecal/hashcal and my web site at HHHinChicago.com
Visitors and new hashers (virgins), we start meeting at the listed times and start hashing a half hour later. Time
for a quick beer. Anyone want off this list, email Horn-E at H3HornEH3@aol.com and it will be done.  

New hashers or visitors, many hashes are back yards or parks. Outside. Be prepared for the current weather.  
We occasionally charge up to $10 for hash cash. Hash Cash money usually goes entirely to beer, but might 
include costs for food. HARES: Please get your locations updated ASAP but at least a week to 10 days in 
advance so we can publish them. Helps attendance.
Hashing has always been open to anyone. Hares: If you can't invite all hashers to "your" hash, perhaps you 
should postpone "your" hash to when you can. Simply put, if you can't invite all, don't invite any. These are "our" 
hashes and should be open to all at all times. If you don't know how to make this work, ask us.

The Chicago Marathon is coming up. I started a Marathon beer stop about 30 years ago. Two of us from two separate hashes so it wasn't a Chicago Marathon Beer Stop but a Hashers of Chicago Beer Stop. And we grew to over 30 people helping and donating beer. I even got beer sponsorship for four years, Goose Island, Two Brothers and PBR. And we had great spots to work from. Then they changed the course, and we suddenly were down to 2 or 3 showing up. The spots I picked weren't great but with a good group we could have a lot of fun. About a block and a half north of 35th St. Yeah, a few blocks further to walk with beer. Tell me, I did it. But far enough away from cops. But after 30 years, I tired of doing all this work. So I'd like the various GMs take it over. I would stay aboard but that would mean Bit On The Clit, Meat and Bert, And Bottom Wrangler. Let's talk this week on where, etc. 

No responses and already CH3 is posting conflicting info on location. So, I'm calling it as about 3333 S. Indiana, east side. Near 35th St is to congested and police presence might be a problem. I'll be there and let's see if we can get more people this year. But even a few, was well appreciated by the marathoners the last two years.
Can't sell beer on Sunday morning so get it earlier, keep it cold, coolers if you can, Ice if you can, 5 to 7 oz cups, paper or soft plastic. No bottles. Large plastic garbage bags help. We leave the street clean when we leave. PBR is great and cheap. Old Style, Miller, preferably not lights. They don't need low carbs, probably more. and high priced craft beers are not really the thing for a desperate marathoner. Keep it simple.
Noise makers and signs are welcome. BEER HERE, ON THE HASHERS OF CHICAGO. FREE BEER.

Hash break
Thu, 10 Oct. 2024, 7:00pm, The Thirstday Hash, SnatchSquatch and Furry Spice are haring from Dugans at 128 S. Halsted. $5 Hash Cash
Hash break
Sat. 12 Oct. 2024, 2:00pm, The Big Dog Hash, Back Door Bizzle will hare from Goose Island, northern tip. To get there by car, go west from Halsted, on Division, over the bridge and at the second street on the right, turn north and go about as far as you can go and park. Then walk north to the bridge. Alternative route, by foot, go west from Halsted on North Ave to just before the bridge and take the foot bridge to the south and we meet there.  $6 Hash Cash  
Hash Break
Oct 13, 2024, 2:00pm, The Chicago Hash. Ice Princess and Lost Her Penis are haring from Maria's Packaged Goods and Bar at 960 W. 31st St. $10 Hash Cash ChicagoHash,com
Hash break 

The Tale of the Trail
Hash break
Tue. 1 Oct. 2024. The 4X2H4 hash was hared by Horn-E from Senior Citizens Park for five hounds. The pack took off to the south and east and a bunch of twists and turns meant to keep any slow runners or walkers in site of the leaders. And the leaders, Meat Inside Her and Berts Special Friend swept the trail as they solved the Checks. That left Stuffin' Muffin running behind and keeping them in sight. And Magnetic Muff and Just Do Me Slowly, slowly walking. Worked as they kept each other in sight. And it worked as they finished in order and within minutes of each other. Meanwhile the hare had to return to trail and finish laying the finish and with time running out, he skipped the nasty rat filled alley maze to the west of Western. And he just finished before the FRBs. Worked. Trail went south to a Check at Armitage and then further south to the 606 trail. Here was a Split leading right back down to the ground, through a park and heading west. Finally, over to Milwaukee and back over the 606. Then it worked its way to a Check by a park and a loop around it with lights out. Finally, over to Armitage and a Check that, only went south and On In. We then had a laid back circle and hung around until the beer was gone. And I was offered a ride home. Thanks Stuffin' Muffin. On OUT
Hash break
Thu, 3 Oct. 2024, The Thirstday Hash, was hared by Cumming Right Meow for about six hounds from Goose Island Brewery. Don't know what happened, but she provided snacks for the pack at the finish along with the beer. 
hash break
Fri, 4 Oct. 2024, The First Crack of the Moon Hash by SnatshSquatch for a pack of five hounds from the Unforgetable Bar. Trail headed west and I fell behind. But there were four T and E Splits and I needed all four. Especially after screwing up the first one so bad. Seeing the last one, Cumming Right Meow disappear over Irving Park, I opted for that T and E. And there was a Split, W and S. I tried S and nothing, but at the alley I headed west and came to another Split, cumming south from a Check that I didn't know about. Well, I came into the Split backwards so it had to be the other way, south. I thought I saw a mark in shadows and so I kept going a long two blocks south. So, I guessed that the last Split had to be correct somehow and went east and back north looking for something, falling flat on my whatevers. Really, a hidden in shadows unlevel sidewalk. Finally, as I got back near that Split I figured out that it had to be a Check that I missed. Well, back On and quickly rejoined the Eaqle part of the trail and a long straight towards Milwaukee and another T and E Split. Two Splits and a Check later and I again rejoined the Eagle trail. a block later was BN and they were long gone, now for the return to the south and on and On and two more T and E Splits and more MIlwaukee and finally right past where I was at the southern end of the first T and 
E split. Damn. From here it was On In and the pack was waiting in a park, eating snacks from Cumming Right Meow and drinking beer. Lifa, and Meat Inside Her and Berts Special Friend. We held circle and finally headed on out. 
Hash Break
Sun. Oct 6, 2024, 2:00pm, The Chicago Hash. Cuntlery and Homo Dynamics hared from Illuminated Brewery for 12 hounds. A long chalk talk and unusual marks and such and almost 3:00 before we finally got out. A quick Check and I'm following Rip 'em and Snip 'em to another quick Check and then another. By now I'm back with Lower Wackoff. The pack is off to the west, but not On. They return and we find marks SW and over tracks and to a Split. We're On or so we thought. But we couldn't solve that Split. There was about 7 or 8 of us and we worked both ways and couldn't find anything. Lower Wackoff and myself want back to the Check to redo that search and see if there was a mistake and another way out. Nope. Upon returning towards the Split, we see Complimentary Nuts waving for us. We followed him. Problem, we had to go two whole blocks to solve that Split. All previous marks were close and frequent. WTF. We never go two blocks without a mark, especially after a Split. And this mark was another Check. How was this trail found? Cell phone. Now this Check was solved and as I'm following along, I come to a turn mark in an alley and the turn is marked F. I'm thinking someone followed that turn and came to an F. They returned and found trail out of that alley and On In to the 1st beer stop. I'm thinking this F had to be wrong because in the Chicago Area we use Fs to return to the last Split or Check. It should have been a Back Check. And there are the walker's drinking beer. So, we get instructions to cross this huge field and only find the walker's trail. So, we all end up following that, past two gimmick stops and finally the running trail merges in, and we runners are off again. The two trails quickly split up again. And we ran on and on past Checks and Splits until we came to a BN and nothing after that. No beer and no walkers and nothing. By the time I arrived. Lifa had used his cell and found an address of where the B was, over a mile behind us. Apparently, we missed a Beer Stop at the hares house. Two more mistakes here. Apparently, shortly after the two trails split, we were supposed to find B2. But what must have happened was that we found a Check or a Split that was too close to the out trail from B2 and we picked up on that trail and were long gone. That is a hare fault. We would have no idea we were on the wrong trail. And the fourth error was no B after the BN. We had no idea where to go. As the runners were thinking about what to do, Lower Wackoff and I decided to head back to the brewery. It was already after 5:00 and, over two hours on trail. We missed a turn, and the other runners finally decided to do the same thing. They beat us back to the brewery. Shortly after we arrived, the hares and walkers arrived. Not happy.

I know Cuntlery has to spend a lot of time planning her trails and walkers options and multiple beer stops, and gimmick stops. But there is something missing in the plans and execution and learning how we do things in the Chicago area. And maybe her plans are too grand until she learns how to better do things here. Perhaps cumming out and doing some other trails as a hound might help. And remember, even damn good hares have trails that get screwed up. We all try to do it right and want a magical finish were everyone comes in together and had a great run. They seldom happen that good. It's part of the game. Just two weeks ago Bit On The Clit laid trail were there were still marks from a previous trail and there hadn't been any rain. Half of the pack picked up on the old marks and then back on new marks and missed half her trail and we were at the finish. Meanwhile the other half of the pack was a mile away at a beer stop. Homo Dynamics remembers that trail and came in halfway through circle because of it. Shit happens. Learn from the mistakes and try to not make them again. I told her a way to avoid that, and it might not happen again. Show your plans in advance to a real experienced hare and things like Sunday might not happen again. We all want to lay great trails and run great trails.
Hash break.
On and Swing Low

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